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Action on Climate and Ecological Emergencies

Building resilience into our communities and local economy in Devon is an increasing priority for people in Devon. With need for a collective response to creating a resilient, net-zero carbon Devon where people and nature thrive the team at New Prosperity Devon have been using their time and resources to rise to the challenge. Alongside developing educational and network building events some of the team volunteer their time by sitting on Devon Climate Emergency's Net Zero Task Force, using specialist knowledge and experience to produce an evidence-led Devon Carbon Plan, and take part in the award winning Devon Doughnut Collective, a multidisciplinary citizen-led co-design process to apply Doughnut Economics in the county. 


Below you can watch replays of some of the online webinars we have organised for members and officers of local councils responding to the climate and ecological emergency. We have been collaborating with Devon Communities Together, Action on Climate in Teignbridge and CAG Devon to build a toolkit and network for Parish and Town Councils working on the climate and ecological emergencies in Devon.

In collaboration with Transition Exeter and The Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, we also offer events for general audiences.

Devon Councils and the Climate Emergency: Progress to Carbon Neutral 2030

With guest speakers Madeleine Greenhalgh, Green New Deal Devon and Regen, Andrew Shadrake, Local Spark Torbay, Peter Lefort, Cornwall Council, and Harry Bonnell, Devon Communities Together.

Will UK Lead on Climate and Ecology? The CEE Bill and our future

An online event with presentations and a panel discussion Prof Tim Lenton (Global Systems Institute at Exeter University), Harry Barton (CEO Devon Wildlife Trust) and Sarah Lunnon (CEE Bill

Community Wealth and The Climate Emergency

This presentation was part of New Prosperity Devon's 6 part webinar series. With guest speakers Andrew Shadrake, of Local Spark Torbay and Action on Climate in Teignbridge and Peter Lefort, Sector and Partnerships Lead, Cornwall Council. This session New Prosperity Devon associate Elizabeth Wainwright was a guest facilitator. Elizabeth is the portfolio holder for the climate emergency, at Mid Devon District Council.

Exeter’s Net Zero Carbon 2030 Plan

Opening presentations from guest panel Lynda Wookey, Exeter City Futures, Cllr Rachel
Sutton, Exeter City Council, and Tess Walsh, Fridays for Future.

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